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GC_2009_2.JPGGalootaclaus 200942 viewsEtch Number 1dlarue

GC_2009_3.JPGGalootaclaus 200928 views*Wow*
George Bishop adjustable rip/crosscut saw.

GC_2016_part_1.jpgGalootaclaus 201632 viewsCool stuff from Frankdlarue

GGF_Plane.jpgGreat Grand-Dad's Plane27 viewsMy Dad handed me this box, it has a Deluxe Craftsman plane in it.
He said he got it from his grandfather, who worked in the hardware Dept at Sears.
Cool eh?dlarue

GlazingRebate.jpgGlazing Rebate25 viewsMoving fillister used for the grazing rebate on the back of the frame.dlarue

Gouge.JPGgouge33 viewscutting the pattern with a half inch gougedlarue

Hatchets.jpgcarving hatchets20 viewsThese are my carving hatchets.
Little one is a James Smart Brockville product.
Larger one has a makers mark that I don't recognize.dlarue

holdfast.JPGHoldfast April 201147 viewsTaking my cue from Michael S. I was frightening the new neighbours today.dlarue

Ilonas_box.jpgIlona's Box22 viewsMIL asked for a box, big enough for His & Hers ashes.
Made of butternut, finished in orange shellac.
Simple butt-joint construction.dlarue

IMG-20120415-00051.jpgoil-stone22 viewsmy new-to-me oil-stone has some writing on the bottom. Looks like "Copeland Ch~~~son Co. Ltd"
Now I'm trying to find out who this was...dlarue

IMG-20120415-00052.jpgfound on the road25 viewsTinsnips I picked up off the road whilst riding my bike to the train station... Free tools!dlarue

IMG_20150825_184439.jpgblock23 viewsmouth block cut from a bronze bar with a hacksawdlarue
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