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100_3266.JPGRivets28 viewsAt the Tool Group of Canada meeting I picked up a box of assorted rivets and a Boy Scouts Canada hatchet head.dlarue

100_7317.JPGRodger Knife39 viewsCool old knife picked up at the "Free-market" (local Church holds a 'come and take this stuff away' event every spring). Note the "V <crown> R" stamp above the maker's mark. I guess this means it hails fro Queen Victoria's reign, which makes it a nice old kitchen tool.dlarue

100_7323.JPGrodgers knife in rough shape32 viewsFree knife, needs a new handle.dlarue

ropemaker.jpgropemaker20 viewsit's a user not a collectable, obviouslydlarue

RoughInRebate.jpgRoughing in the profile25 viewsStanley rebate plane used to rough in the molding profile. This knocks out a large part of the waste very quickly, and is a lot easier to sharpen than the molding plane.dlarue

RoughInProfile.jpgRoughing in the profile 223 viewsBlock plane to knock off a bit more waste before starting in with the molding plane.dlarue

IMG_20150825_191042.jpgroughing out the escapement20 viewsusing a selection of files to make the escapement.
start with a coarse round file, then a milled-tooth file, then a bastard, a mill file, and finally a second cut.dlarue

sawbench.jpgsaw bench / hewing bench / moaning stool29 viewsHalf a basswood log, 4 pieces of ash for legs. The wood was from trees downed by the Great Ice Storm of '98. This does multiple duty in and out of the shop as seating, hewing bench, saw bench, morticing bench, &cetera.dlarue

100_6409.JPGsaw handle hole spotting jig95 viewsdlarue

100_6407.JPGsaw handle hole spotting jig94 viewsspotting the hole in the handledlarue

100_6406.JPGsaw handle hole spotting jig103 viewssetting the hole location from the saw platedlarue

sawsets.jpgSawset collection61 viewsHow did this happen?!
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