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100_1442.JPGCrankin' out maple syrup45 viewsusing the forge blower to boost the heat and get the job done quicker.dlarue

100_1195.JPGcurb rat stuff55 viewsA toy chest and a small table made from wood that some lunatics THREW IN THE GARBAGE! Are they insane?! The box is pine, the table is oak & random firewood. Curbside shopping at it's finest.dlarue

currach1.jpgCurrach Frame29 viewsAssembled from sticks and string.
This is the frame for a skin-on-frame "boat".dlarue

CylinderTopDesk.jpgCylinderTopDesk12 viewsVeneered cylinder top desk made by Kathy's grandfather.dlarue

Ed_and_Dave.JPGEd and Dave36 viewsEd from Ottawa, Dave from Utica standing in the yard at Rideau Antiques. dlarue

100_4605.JPGFeb 11 2012 auction29 viewsOne of the tables at the auction. 1200 lots!dlarue

100_4611.JPGFeb 11 2012 auction haul53 viewsHere's my haul. 4 braces, 5 screwdrivers, two hand drills, a MF saw blade punch, and a Stanley #46 skew combination plane. dlarue

100_4606.JPGFeb 11 2012 auction planes40 viewslots of molding planes, but nothing really interesting for me. One guy bought most of them at $7.50 each IIRC.dlarue

100_4607.JPGFeb 11 2012 auction tools44 viewsAnother table full of tools.
Way too many cheap block planes, braces, levels, and breast drills.dlarue

poker_jpg.JPGfire poker57 viewsgot this at a yard sale for a buck. Simply could not resist. The handle shape is nice, and the finial is really cool. dlarue

poker_end_jpg.JPGfire poker end52 viewsfire poker yard sale finddlarue