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IMG-20120728-00242.jpgwheelwright camp 228 viewsThe assembled and shaped hubs. They still need the bushings installed (1 1/4 inch black pipe with flanges on each end). Quite a complicated glue-up.dlarue

IMG-20120728-00255.jpgwheelwright camp 130 viewsThe Venturers are fitting the spokes to the rim mortices here.dlarue

Burlington-20120721-00213.jpgCamp Nemo's forge77 viewsOne of our local Scout camps had this old forge and anvil sitting in one of the fields. Unused for decades, Scouter Dave (pictured) and I decided to rehab the forge and get it ready for the Scouts to use. dlarue

Burlington-20120721-00216.jpgFruits of our labour67 viewsA couple of S-hooks and a couple of RR spike knives. dlarue

Oakville-20120721-00220.jpgRR spike knives31 viewsMade these in the old forge at Camp Nemo. Used a 10 pound sledge to shape them. My usual smithing hammer did nothing. "The goggles, they do nothing!"dlarue

IMG-20120721-00214.jpgForge at Camp Nemo32 viewsThe forge at Camp Nemo. It's large by my standards and experience. You could toss a 100 pound bag of coal in there and it wouldn't look too full.dlarue

can_crusher.jpgCan Crusher40 viewsHere's my version of the Galoot Can Crusher.
Made this in '98 after a big storm knocked down some trees. The handle is riven ash, the head is red oak. Back in the days before we had a digital camera you shot what you shot and hoped it was good.dlarue

pewter_medallions.jpgpewter medallions45 viewsI made a few batches of these, changing the mold a bit each time. Gets worse each time.
The pewter takes metal stamps quite well, so I guess it's time for some filing and decorating.dlarue

pewter_mold.jpgpewter mold36 viewshunk of soapstone someone gave me (it was going in the trash otherwise, so how could I say no?). Cut in half, 30 seconds with a hacksaw. Use a forstner bit in the post drill to rough out the circle, followed by a very poor effort at carving a fleur-de-lis.dlarue

pewter_crucible.jpgpewter crucible37 viewsplaying with fire.
Melting some tacky pewter mugs and ashtrays on a camp stove.dlarue

Officer.JPGScout Brigade of Ft George44 viewsI play a Lt, 1st Coy, Royal Newfoundland Regiment at an annual International Scout Camp where we re-enact the Battle of Ft George from the War of 1812. Puffy shirt and all!dlarue

100_4611.JPGFeb 11 2012 auction haul53 viewsHere's my haul. 4 braces, 5 screwdrivers, two hand drills, a MF saw blade punch, and a Stanley #46 skew combination plane. dlarue