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IMG-20120729-00271.jpgwheelwright camp 329 viewsHere is the 1st Bronte Venturers with their new wheels. Now they have to put tires on, paint them, and complete the rest of the gun carriage in time for the Fort George Camp.dlarue

100_4773.JPGGalootaclaus 201280 viewspair of craftsman smoothers, #3 and #4 size, pair of drawbore pins, and two turning blanks.dlarue

shop_decor_3.jpgshop decor21 viewsButterfield Decimal Equiv chart.
Very handy for finding the next closest drill bit size.dlarue

CylinderTopDesk.jpgCylinderTopDesk12 viewsVeneered cylinder top desk made by Kathy's grandfather.dlarue

Stache.jpgStache21 viewsdlarue

currach2.JPGThe Improbable18 viewsmaiden voyage of Currach Improbable.
Made with a brace & bit and a hatchet.
But you still can't call me a boatbuilder.dlarue

currach1.jpgCurrach Frame29 viewsAssembled from sticks and string.
This is the frame for a skin-on-frame "boat".dlarue

skin-on-frame-canoe-finished.jpgsticks string and a tarp21 viewsCurrach-built canoe, 1st Bronte Scoutsdlarue

skin-on-frame-canoe-lashing.jpgcanoe frame18 viewscurrach-style canoe framedlarue

paddling.jpgpaddling the currach-style canoe18 viewsoh cr*p is this thing ever TIPPY!dlarue

ChestOfDrawers.jpgChestOfDrawers16 viewsChest of drawers made by Kathy's grandfatherdlarue

gazebo2.jpggazebo 220 viewsfinished gables and braces.dlarue