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OneHundred.JPGone hundred magic wands43 viewsI made these for a Cub Camp that had a Harry Potter theme.dlarue

IMG_20161218_211831.jpgovolos32 viewssome ovolo trim for Kathy's Follydlarue

IMG_20151004_140119.jpgP43 TOTT Oct 201532 viewsPemuvar P43
An awful knockoff of the Record O43 planedlarue

paddling.jpgpaddling the currach-style canoe18 viewsoh cr*p is this thing ever TIPPY!dlarue

IMG_20170807_165136.jpgpair of stools22 viewspair of stools for Thescorre Courtdlarue

pencil_kit.jpgpencil kit23 viewskit showing stages of pencil manufacturedlarue

pewter_crucible.jpgpewter crucible37 viewsplaying with fire.
Melting some tacky pewter mugs and ashtrays on a camp stove.dlarue

pewter_medallions.jpgpewter medallions45 viewsI made a few batches of these, changing the mold a bit each time. Gets worse each time.
The pewter takes metal stamps quite well, so I guess it's time for some filing and decorating.dlarue

pewter_mold.jpgpewter mold36 viewshunk of soapstone someone gave me (it was going in the trash otherwise, so how could I say no?). Cut in half, 30 seconds with a hacksaw. Use a forstner bit in the post drill to rough out the circle, followed by a very poor effort at carving a fleur-de-lis.dlarue

100_6833.JPGPutting in81 viewsPutting in at Dana Rd launch ramp on Tay River, near Bolingbroke ON. David and I paddled (and walked) for 8 hours, covering about 25 km. It was a great adventure, but David says we will never do that particular trip again, *ever*.dlarue

RailDrill.jpgRail Drill54 viewsRail Drill at the Smiths Falls Railway Museumdlarue

randomtools.JPGRandom Tools at Rideau Antiques41 viewsThe great Ottawa valley rust-hunt hit Rideau Antiques. The Tool Room was too dark and crowded to get a picture, but there were a few random tools scattered about .dlarue