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Niagara-on-the-Lake-20120923-00381.jpgFt George 201231 viewsThere's my son David in the Brigade Colour Party, he's the one carrying the Union Jack.dlarue

100_4773.JPGGalootaclaus 201280 viewspair of craftsman smoothers, #3 and #4 size, pair of drawbore pins, and two turning blanks.dlarue

currach2.JPGThe Improbable18 viewsmaiden voyage of Currach Improbable.
Made with a brace & bit and a hatchet.
But you still can't call me a boatbuilder.dlarue

currach1.jpgCurrach Frame29 viewsAssembled from sticks and string.
This is the frame for a skin-on-frame "boat".dlarue

skin-on-frame-canoe-finished.jpgsticks string and a tarp21 viewsCurrach-built canoe, 1st Bronte Scoutsdlarue

skin-on-frame-canoe-lashing.jpgcanoe frame18 viewscurrach-style canoe framedlarue

paddling.jpgpaddling the currach-style canoe18 viewsoh cr*p is this thing ever TIPPY!dlarue

gazebo2.jpggazebo 220 viewsfinished gables and braces.dlarue

gazebo1.JPGgazebo 125 viewswhite pine gable trim we made using jigsaw, hole saw, coping saw, and brace & bit. Kathy turned the finials from poplar.dlarue

TGOC_Oct2013_2.jpgTool Group Of Canada Meeting Oct 201319 viewsThe trade tables at the TGOC meeting.
There was also a small live auction and a silent auction.dlarue

TGOC_Oct2013_1.jpgTool Group Of Canada Meeting Oct 2013 haul21 viewsI picked up a few things.
Stanley jack rabbet, cute little hammer, reprint catalogue, combination stone, shaker pegs, awl, and dowel pointer from the dealer tables. Boxed stone from silent auction and a wrench and coping saw from the live auction.dlarue

CylinderTopDesk.jpgCylinderTopDesk12 viewsVeneered cylinder top desk made by Kathy's grandfather.dlarue