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poker_handle_jpg.JPGfire poker handle43 viewspicked up this fire poker at a yard sale on Nov 1st 2008.dlarue

100_0288.jpgfish cleaning bench55 viewsAnother great curb rat project.
Most of the wood is reused / recycled.
The counter top was picked up off the curb by SWMBO, who managed to wrestle the monstrously heavy thing into the back of her Saturn all by herself, bless her!dlarue

footie_anyone.jpgFootie, anyone?10 viewsL Osbaldiston plane iron, "Hydra" brand, with a leg kicking a football?dlarue

IMG-20120721-00214.jpgForge at Camp Nemo32 viewsThe forge at Camp Nemo. It's large by my standards and experience. You could toss a 100 pound bag of coal in there and it wouldn't look too full.dlarue

Burlington-20120721-00216.jpgFruits of our labour67 viewsA couple of S-hooks and a couple of RR spike knives. dlarue

Niagara-on-the-Lake-20120923-00381.jpgFt George 201231 viewsThere's my son David in the Brigade Colour Party, he's the one carrying the Union Jack.dlarue

GClaus_2008.JPGGalootaclaus 200854 viewsGaloot Mark Harrell sent me a freshly sharpened Disston dovetail saw.
Some of the etch is still readable, and it says
Manual Training Schools
Henry Disston & Sons
No 2

100_4773.JPGGalootaclaus 201280 viewspair of craftsman smoothers, #3 and #4 size, pair of drawbore pins, and two turning blanks.dlarue

GC_2017.jpgGalootaclaus 201713 viewsfrom Doc Holladaydlarue

gazebo1.JPGgazebo 125 viewswhite pine gable trim we made using jigsaw, hole saw, coping saw, and brace & bit. Kathy turned the finials from poplar.dlarue

gazebo2.jpggazebo 220 viewsfinished gables and braces.dlarue

gimme_shelter.JPGgimme shelter30 viewspicnic shelter, loads of work digging post holes, making trusses, shingling, etc.dlarue