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ThatGuy.jpgI am not That Guy anymore46 viewsYou know, that guy. There's one in every neighbourhood?
Used to be me, but not anymore.
Yes, my neighbour is building a BOAT in his living room.dlarue

100_2722.JPGInfantry Sword27 viewsMy son made this for me because, as an officer in the Royal Newfoundland regiment (part of an international Scout camp where we re-enact the War of 1812) I am supposed to have a sword.dlarue

JewelryBox.jpgJewelryBox19 viewsJewelry box made by Kathy's grandfatherdlarue

100_6832.JPGLargemouth Bass78 viewsThis is the one that didn't get away! Aug 2008.dlarue

IMG_20170807_130917.jpglathe at pennsic23 viewslathe at pennsicdlarue

IMG_20170807_165127.jpglegs22 viewsstandard chair leg pattern for bodgers log-to-leg racedlarue

100_2323.JPGLTD Stirling Engine44 viewsLow-temperature-differential Stirling Cycle Engine built from shop scrap and misc junk. It'll run for half an hour sitting on a coffee cup of hot water. dlarue

IMG_20170807_130722.jpgmakeshift reamer25 viewstaper reamer turned on pole lathe, using hacksaw blade for the cutter.dlarue

IMG_20151003_091851.jpgMF Hacksaw at TGOC Oct 2015122 viewsTool Group meeting Oct 2015 MF hacksawdlarue

miserywhip.JPGmisery whip38 views1st Bronte Scout Troop sawing logs. Note the one acting as Gravity Clamp.dlarue

no_pic.JPGno pic14 viewsdlarue

100_4426.JPGOct 2011 Tools of the Trade48 viewshaul from Oct 2011 Tools of the Trade saledlarue