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Ed_and_Dave.JPGEd and Dave36 viewsEd from Ottawa, Dave from Utica standing in the yard at Rideau Antiques. dlarue

deadpostdrills.JPGWhere Dead Post Drills Go to Die40 viewsSome dead post-drills in one of the piles-o-rust in the yard at Rideau Antiques.dlarue

CylinderTopDesk.jpgCylinderTopDesk12 viewsVeneered cylinder top desk made by Kathy's grandfather.dlarue

currach2.JPGThe Improbable18 viewsmaiden voyage of Currach Improbable.
Made with a brace & bit and a hatchet.
But you still can't call me a boatbuilder.dlarue

currach1.jpgCurrach Frame29 viewsAssembled from sticks and string.
This is the frame for a skin-on-frame "boat".dlarue

ChestOfDrawers.jpgChestOfDrawers16 viewsChest of drawers made by Kathy's grandfatherdlarue

carppencils.jpgcarpenters pencils20 viewsno, not a collection.
well, maybe. I kind of have a handful of the General and Wolverine ones.dlarue

can_crusher.jpgCan Crusher40 viewsHere's my version of the Galoot Can Crusher.
Made this in '98 after a big storm knocked down some trees. The handle is riven ash, the head is red oak. Back in the days before we had a digital camera you shot what you shot and hoped it was good.dlarue

Burlington-20120721-00216.jpgFruits of our labour67 viewsA couple of S-hooks and a couple of RR spike knives. dlarue

Burlington-20120721-00213.jpgCamp Nemo's forge77 viewsOne of our local Scout camps had this old forge and anvil sitting in one of the fields. Unused for decades, Scouter Dave (pictured) and I decided to rehab the forge and get it ready for the Scouts to use. dlarue

boiling.jpgBoiling26 viewshere is our cheap and easy maple syrup boiler.
A couple of steam table trays and some fire bricks.
The vent hose is for the forge blower to crank up the fire.dlarue