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GAC2009-01-800.JPGGAC2009-01149 viewsThe galootaclaus gift I received in the tool exchange 2009.Peter.Robinson

IMGP0136.JPGSaw Vise 1204 viewsAn old saw vise I picked up a while back for pocket change. It uses a couple of coach bolts to tighten the hinged arms. There are brass plates bedded where the wing nuts tighten, negating the need for washers. It's very nicely made and looks manufactured but I haven't located any markings.Peter.Robinson

IMGP0123.JPGStanley #5 Jack Plane Type 11 Unassembled66 viewsPeter.Robinson
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IMGP1184a.JPG5in brace with a 10in version for scale48 viewsPeter.RobinsonJun 22, 2011

IMGP0981-small.JPG2010-05-16 Rust Hunting 166 viewsPeter.RobinsonMay 16, 2010

GAC2009-01-800.JPGGAC2009-01149 viewsThe galootaclaus gift I received in the tool exchange 2009.Peter.RobinsonJan 27, 2010

GAC2009-02-800.JPGGAC2009-02110 viewsCloser view of the two Pens and the Dovetail setPeter.RobinsonJan 27, 2010

GAC2009-03-800.JPGGAC2009-03103 viewsRedwood grainPeter.RobinsonJan 27, 2010