Tool Making |
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IMG_1970_c.jpgScratchstock287 viewsA Garrett Hack style scratchstock with a really neat thumbscrew made for me by Peter McBride.Peter.Robinson

IMG_1977_b.jpgScratchstock thubmscrew178 viewsUbergaloot Peter McBride kindly made this thumbscrew for my scratchstock.Peter.Robinson

FirstKnives.jpg96 viewsMy first ever attempt at knifemaking. Blades are shaped jigsaw blades (T111B2PAK).
The top one was first. The handle is some unknown hardwood, one side with a shallow rebate for the blade to sit in, glued together with 5 minute epoxy. It started out to be a marking knife but it looked like it could become a small chip carving knife so I made the second knife to go with it. Handle for the second knife is some other unknown hardwood with some wild grain that gave me quite a bit of trouble.Peter.Robinson

FirstKnives_Profile.jpg73 viewsHandle profiles. I like the fatter one better but they both feel ok.Peter.Robinson

FirstKnives_Blades.JPG98 viewsMy first ever attempt at knifemaking. Blades are shaped jigsaw blades (T111B2PAK).
Sorry about the really bad focus. I didn't notice how bad the photo was until I had already sent the knives off in the post.Peter.Robinson

Awls_from_Screwdriver_and_File.JPGAwls from Screwdriver and File97 viewsA couple of awls, one made from a damaged old phillips head screwdriver and the other from the remains of an old triangular file.Peter.Robinson