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wolfhead1.jpgwolf head branding iron40 viewsdlarue

WheelerPlane.jpgWheeler plane27 viewsWheeler molding plane. I think someone looked this up for me once and said Wheeler worked in the first quarter of the nineteenth C. The plane works well for something nearly 200 years old.dlarue

weesquare.jpgpexto square39 viewsa yard sale find, 8X12 Pexto framing square.
$2 CAD.

wedge.jpgTusk Tenon112 viewsThis in on the trestle table I built up at the cottage. When I needed to make a wedge, I just grabbed the first wedge-shaped bit of wood that was handy, for a pattern ;^)dlarue

Weakness.JPGI am so weak.46 viewsToo bad these things are so cheap, so plentiful ,and so darn useful. dlarue

walnut_tile_table.jpgtile-topped walnut table28 viewsxmas gift for SWMBO, only a year late.dlarue

walnut_20.JPGwalnut table83 viewsI built this table from half a walnut log, using solely hand tools. Froe, hatchet, drawknife, planes, gages, and chisels.dlarue

uglylegs.jpgugly legs36 viewsfirst set of legs from my new pole lathe
I missed on one set of beads so they are offset a bit.
Also split some of the stock a bit too close.
And my skew work is atrocious.

twokilo.jpgTwo Kilos77 views"The FroeHammer "
Made from 5 pewter beer mugs, some scrap pipe and rebar. Move over Scott, let me hit that thing!dlarue

triangles.jpgtriangle drawer part layout marks38 viewsThese triangles help me know which piece goes where. If I cut my DTs with machine-like precision, then it would not matter if one part got flipped over. But I am not that good.dlarue

travisher1.jpgtravisher24 viewstravisher
forged the iron form O1
body is beechdlarue

trauts_patent.JPGtraut's patent30 viewsStanley #46 skew-ironed plow plane, has March 4 73 patent date on it. How long did they keep using this stamp? My plane has post-1900 characteristics, per B&G.dlarue
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