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end_vises.JPGend vises24 viewsEnd vises, the one on the right has a dog, lining up with a set of square dog holes. dlarue

DadsBox.JPGDad's Box30 viewsMy Mom ordered two boxes, one for her, one for him. This is my Dad's box, made of curly maple, finished with BLO & Lemon Shellac.dlarue

100_4512.JPGlarge shrink pot24 viewsThis is the bottom of the RBSP (Really Big Shrink Pot) I made for my MIL as an Xmas gift. Poplar log with a white pine bottom.dlarue

100_4511.JPGOpen Wide32 viewsTop of Really Big Shrink Pot. Poplar log, white pine bottom. Hollowed out with a big Spear & Jackson gouge.dlarue

100_4509.JPGBig Shrink Pot24 viewsPoplar log, white pine bottom. This took a LOT of effort to hollow out.dlarue

100_4506.JPGshrink pot tools30 viewsSpear & Jackson gouge with long handle, backed up by a big heavy oak mallet. Quirk router to cut the croze for the bottom. Crooked knife (LV 06D10.32), Ben Orford spoon knife. 4" square for reference.dlarue

100_4534.JPGGalootaclaus 201127 viewsmy GC gift for 2011dlarue

tilt.jpgveneered tilt top table27 viewsmaple and walnut veneer top on maple underlay. Birch column, legs and underpinnings.dlarue

2x4_tilt_top_1.jpg2X4 tilt-top table24 viewsmade from a single 8 ft Home Despot 2x4dlarue

TOTT_Mar_2012_Stuff.jpgTools of The Trade sale stuff27 viewsPile o stuff I got at the TOTTdlarue

blacksmithhammer.jpgnew blacksmith hammer42 viewsmy nephew gave me this for Xmas 2012. It ain't old but it sure ain't bad!dlarue

spoon2.jpgchilli spoon 26 viewsI hacked this out with a hatchet, sheath knife, and crook knife at our winter Scout camp. We used it to stir and serve the chilli.dlarue
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