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Ilonas_box.jpgIlona's Box22 viewsMIL asked for a box, big enough for His & Hers ashes.
Made of butternut, finished in orange shellac.
Simple butt-joint construction.dlarue

marples2.jpgtanged handle centre24 viewsthere is the centre for my turning!dlarue

triangles.jpgtriangle drawer part layout marks38 viewsThese triangles help me know which piece goes where. If I cut my DTs with machine-like precision, then it would not matter if one part got flipped over. But I am not that good.dlarue

door_number_1.jpgDoor Number 118 viewsdry fit frame for door number 1
Please don't look too close...dlarue

advent_drawer_parts.jpgadvent calendar drawer parts29 viewssides for 25 little drawersdlarue

advent_shooting.jpgshooting26 viewsshooting board to clean up the ends of the drawer parts. 100 of them so far... plus a few spares in case I mess them up.dlarue

advent_frame_dryfit.jpgadvent calendar frame dry fit27 viewsArgh. Don't do half laps with this stuff!
Next time I make something like this it will have dados.dlarue

angle_iron_clamp.jpgdovetail layout jig35 viewsfor tiny little drawers like these, a piece of angle iron and a couple of spring clamps work great.dlarue

advent_8_drawers.jpg8 drawers so far29 viewsDec 2 ... 8 drawers done, looks like I will be able to keep up.dlarue

adventcalendar.jpgfinished advent calendar44 viewswell, the construction is done...
Gotta slap a coat of shellac on it, then maybe paint it, and certainly number the little drawers. But for now it works!dlarue

blacksmithbook.jpg2013 early birthday gift175 viewsMy mom gave me this for my birthday. Cool!dlarue

marples1.jpgtanged handle marking20 viewsmarking the off side for a tanged handle to be turned on the lathe.dlarue
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