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100_1093.JPGdrill storage78 viewsThis is how I store my hand drills. One size does not fit all tasks, thus the range of different drills. The one second from the right was received from Galootaclaus many years ago.dlarue

IMG_20150825_215453.jpgdrilling the block20 viewsdrilling the mounting holes in the mouth blockdlarue

IMG_20150825_220228.jpgdrilling through19 viewsdrill through the stock following the holes in the mouth blockdlarue

drum2.jpgdrum underside17 viewsunderside of hand drum, frame of white pine, deerskin rawhide for the head.dlarue

100_7383.JPGdutch oven box34 views6 feet of 1X12 white pine, planed down, chopped up, and dovetailed together.dlarue

100_7384.JPGdutch oven box open36 viewsdlarue

100_7385.JPGdutch oven gear29 viewstwo aluminum plates, oven, lid lifter, tongs, trivet, scrub brush, and instruction sheet. Still have room for enough charcoal to fire it up.dlarue

MirrorDyed.JPGDyed Mirror Frame23 viewsA coat of aniline dye (some kinda brown Kathy had leftover from a previous project) folowed by a coat of orange shellac.dlarue

edge_stone.jpgedge of oil stone31 viewsWorn hollow over a sixteenth of an inch deep.
On the EDGE of the stone.

EdFirth.jpgEdward Firth Chisel28 viewsGouge I picked up at the Tool Group Of Canada Meeting this morning.dlarue

EdFirthScale.jpgEdward Firth Gouge29 viewshere is my new chisel with something for scale.dlarue

EdFirthChisel.jpgEDWD FIRTH27 viewsmakers markdlarue
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