Brian Welch |
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underhill_brown_mortise.jpgUnderhill & Brown 1/2 inch mortise chisel332 viewsbwelch

stanley_disston_etch.jpgStanley Rule & Level etch on Disston backsaw for 358 mitre box230 viewsbwelch

mitre_box.jpgStanley 358 mitre box circa 1909 (?)266 viewsbwelch

underhill_brown_cleaned_up.jpgUnderhill Brown mortise chisel cleaned up258 viewsbwelch

tippling_time.jpgThe Cabinet Maker Enjoying his Tippling Time (1779)343 viewsBy Johan Fredrik Martinbwelch

american_steel_logo.jpgBuck Brothers Made of American Steel chisel100 viewsbwelch

pike_shovel_handle.jpgPike Manufacturing Company shovel121 viewsbwelch

pike_shovel.jpgPike shovel made by Ames133 viewsbwelch

eighth.jpgEighth inch chisel102 viewsHere is an 1/8th inch chisel that is decidedly not a mortise style chisel. It is a long, thin, narrow paring chisel. Don't think I'll pound on it with a mallet.bwelch

chiselville.jpgChiselville, Vermont 186976 viewsFrom the period when Ames owned the Douglass Manufacturing Company. Note the "FL Ames" as the owner of a number of buildings.bwelch

welch_griffiths_w_cambridge_1856.jpgWelch & Griffiths factory in West Cambridge (1856 map)133 viewsbwelch

woodrough___mcparlin.jpg1871 Woodrough & McParlin ad101 viewsAn ad from Iron Age magazine. It is nearly identical to the back cover of their 1874 catalog which Gary just posted to his Toolemera site.bwelch