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american_steel_logo.jpgBuck Brothers Made of American Steel chisel100 viewsbwelch

banjo_peg_shaver.jpgBanjo peg shaver96 viewsI made this peg shaver to match my reamer. Pegs are done roughly to size with a hollow auger, then shaved to an exact size with this peg shaverbwelch

bay_state_2handed.jpgHolden patent two-handed handsaw109 viewsHolden patent 216091 for the extra thumb grip. DATAMP says this saw was manufactured by Wheeler, Madden & Clemson and also by Baldwin, Robbins & Cop. Hardware in Boston. The etch says "Bay State", which Erv's book says is a saw brand of Baldwin, Robbins, so it is one of their saws.bwelch

chiselville.jpgChiselville, Vermont 186976 viewsFrom the period when Ames owned the Douglass Manufacturing Company. Note the "FL Ames" as the owner of a number of buildings.bwelch

cold_chisels.jpgCold chisels?221 viewsWhat kind of chisels are these?bwelch

cookie_tin_banjo.jpgCookie tin banjo100 viewsWalnut neck, maple pegs, nut, bridge, and tailpiecebwelch

davis_1878_iron_age.jpg1878 Davis Level ad from Iron Age Magazine79 viewsbwelch

Dutch_nib_1718.jpg1718 Dutch saw with nib91 viewsbwelch

eighth.jpgEighth inch chisel102 viewsHere is an 1/8th inch chisel that is decidedly not a mortise style chisel. It is a long, thin, narrow paring chisel. Don't think I'll pound on it with a mallet.bwelch

everlast_40_or_50.jpgStanley Everlast(ing) 1/4 inch88 viewssmall chunk missing from handle, no real problems with bladebwelch

Felibien_tools_1676.jpgFramesaws and holdfast in 1676105 viewsFrom Felibien's Des Principes de l'Architecture, de la Sculpture, de la Peinture, et des autres Arts qui en dependent (Paris, 1676)bwelch

flint_dietrich_patent_rip_handle.jpgJ. Flint's Dietrich Patent Double Handle Rip Saw (patent 132,258)94 viewsFrom an 1874 issue of Iron Age Magazine
Dietrich patented this in 1872bwelch