Edge tools |
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2010_5334s.jpgKent pattern side hatchet259 viewsSchwartz
Fermoir-Felibien.jpgFermoir chisels for mortising212 viewsextracted from "Des principes de l'architecture, de la sculpture, de la peinture, et des autres arts qui en dépendent [microforme] : avec un dictionnaire des termes propres à chacun de ces arts" by Andre Felibien (1619-95)Schwartz
2010_6292s.jpgMarshal Wells Zenith Z100 etch138 viewsSchwartz
2010_6289s.jpgMarshal Wells Zenith Z100 ripper (Disston clone) & a Spear & Jackson crosscut143 viewsSchwartz
2010_6288s.jpgother side of Marshal Wells Zenith Z100 ripper (Disston clone) & a Spear & Jackson crosscut161 viewsSchwartz
2010_6295s.jpgMarshal Wells Zenith Z100 ripper (Disston clone) & a Spear & Jackson crosscut awaiting rehab188 viewsSchwartz
2011_7982s.jpgPatched soles on wooden bench planes116 viewsThese beech patches on these planes seem to be traditional. The plane in the back is awaiting attention, but the one in front is my most frequent 'reach-for.Schwartz
2011_8000s.jpgshortie's medallion94 viewsDisston Keystone medallion.Schwartz
2011_7997ss.jpgshortie125 viewsDisston Keystone K-3 Pacemaker cut down to size of their toolbox saw. Schwartz
2011_8246.JPGunidentified Japanese block plane blade82 viewsmaker's mark resembles a woman with parasol, facing awaySchwartz
2011_8250s.jpgsole, cutter & mouth of Japanese block plane116 viewsThe slots provide blade support right down to the sole & cutting edge, because the mouth is narrower than the edge.Schwartz
2011_8249s.jpgunderside of cutter & topside of Japanese block plane85 viewsSchwartz