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2013_2471ss.jpgZenith Z10076 viewsSchwartz

2013_2470ss.jpgZenith Z100 etch56 viewsSchwartz

20131029_3488ss.jpgSpiers Panel Plane w parallel 5/32" Sorby iron415 viewsEven though I can slip 0.046 inches of feeler gauge into the mouth, it can consistently produce cherry shavings between 0.001 and 0.002 inches - provided the cap iron aka chip breaker is set back the absolute minimum my eyes can detect - with magnification. Would a tighter mouth make it any more useful?Schwartz

20130914_2828New_Elm_Tang_Handle_ss.jpgRehandled Ward & Payne S.J.Addis carving gouge182 viewsHandle tip was taper-drilled partway before turning. Tang burnt -in using Thomas Conroy's method.Schwartz

2012_9090x8934scs.jpgHurwood Al &Stanley No.13065 viewsGifts from EduardoSchwartz

2012_9079x8922s_Eduardo.jpgEduardo de Diego109 viewsOttawa-area GalootSchwartz

2012_9078x8921ss_Tailgate_Giftshop.jpgEduardo's Tailgate Tools Gift Shop!96 viewsSchwartz

2012_8681s.jpgDisston D-12 H.K.Porter (Canada) etch79 viewsBottom line of the etch reads "TRADEMARK REG'D M. DE F. M.IND.ROTRADA"Schwartz

2012_8673s.jpgDisston D-12 H.K.Porter (Canada) medallion76 viewsSchwartz

2012_8625s.jpgAppearances to the contrary, the medallion isn't brass.66 viewsSchwartz

2012_8617s.jpg11 point D12 made in Toronto76 viewsSchwartz