Blacksmithing |
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DSCN2453.JPGFirepoker, scrolled end 104 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2452.JPGFirepoker, split point 135 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2451.JPGFirepoker, forks, leaves166 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2450.JPGleaf keyrings/zipper pulls198 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2514.JPGSteak Turner from a RR spike.66 viewsabout 9 inches, part of post turkey forging. nicknaylo

microforge.jpgfirebrick microforge102 viewsnicknaylo

JR_Hook.JPGJake the Russian Hook86 viewsInspired by the work of Phil Koontz buddy, Hammered this out nicknaylo

DSCN2712.JPGreworked holdfasts, tongs hook, flower, leafe119 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2751.jpgoverhand knot in steel62 viewstried this about 3 times before I got it right. Was going to put a keychain loop on the end, but just kept rolling the end around to make this little trinket. nicknaylo

DSCN2749.jpgAn Afternoon's puttering at the forge..71 viewsAn attempt at a new split handle on a toasting fork, a small triangle for the GIT and an overhand knot with a rolled scroll in quarter inch steel rod. nicknaylo

DSCN2876.jpgBuffalo Forge #300 hand cranked blower58 viewslocal craigslisting lead to a backyard smithy in Berkeley. Lots of great stuff but time and finances allowed only for a forge blower and single pair of tongs. nicknaylo

DSCN3156.JPGNew Years Day Forging83 viewsS-Hook, lag bolt into screw hook and a cut and straightened ring from a Dodge Transaxle, courtesy of Galootaclausnicknaylo