Blacksmithing |
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DSCN2451.JPGFirepoker, forks, leaves166 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2452.JPGFirepoker, split point 135 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2453.JPGFirepoker, scrolled end 104 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2514.JPGSteak Turner from a RR spike.66 viewsabout 9 inches, part of post turkey forging. nicknaylo

DSCN2712.JPGreworked holdfasts, tongs hook, flower, leafe119 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2749.jpgAn Afternoon's puttering at the forge..71 viewsAn attempt at a new split handle on a toasting fork, a small triangle for the GIT and an overhand knot with a rolled scroll in quarter inch steel rod. nicknaylo

DSCN2751.jpgoverhand knot in steel62 viewstried this about 3 times before I got it right. Was going to put a keychain loop on the end, but just kept rolling the end around to make this little trinket. nicknaylo

DSCN2876.jpgBuffalo Forge #300 hand cranked blower58 viewslocal craigslisting lead to a backyard smithy in Berkeley. Lots of great stuff but time and finances allowed only for a forge blower and single pair of tongs. nicknaylo

DSCN3156.JPGNew Years Day Forging83 viewsS-Hook, lag bolt into screw hook and a cut and straightened ring from a Dodge Transaxle, courtesy of Galootaclausnicknaylo

DSCN3181.JPGBlacksmiths toolbox64 viewskind of like a shallow ammo crate. clenched nails all throughout,hammers and tongs all fit, though the tongs hang on the anvil rack. punches and chisels on the lid. About 75 lbs when full. nicknaylo

DSCN3252.JPGBottle Opener, half inch stock 49 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN3297.JPGFinished bottle opener57 viewsadded a leaf and hang loop to the end. Made sure there was a beer in the house before I started forging this time.nicknaylo