Blacksmithing |
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image0086.jpgBest old tool find of the year! 44 viewsfrom Craigslist, 150 lb cast iron forge table with firepot, "Tiger" 990 blower with stand, 50 lb. Columbian leg vise........$50nicknaylo

IMG_20150806_213204579.jpgPexto 39 bench shear with handle19 viewscuts up to 7/16 barnicknaylo

IMG_20150806_213211504.jpgPexto 39 bench shear18 viewsnicknaylo

IMG_20160704_165216609.jpgWater tank strap bolts15 viewsthe outside view. nicknaylo

IMG_20160704_165323751.jpgWater tank strap bolts15 viewsfor possibly wrapping an anvil stumpnicknaylo

JR_Hook.JPGJake the Russian Hook86 viewsInspired by the work of Phil Koontz buddy, Hammered this out nicknaylo

microforge.jpgfirebrick microforge102 viewsnicknaylo

PW104.JPGMy anvil925 viewsA Peter Wright 104 lb. London Pattern Anvil, pre 1910, found in Oakland CA of all places. nicknaylo

raising_hammer.jpgRaising/sinking/boilermakers hammer23 views3.5 lbs, since traded away for a lighter rounding hammer, and now sorely missed. nicknaylo

Soapstone.jpgSoapstone holder14 viewsforged from stainless (it's what they had) about 6 inches long with the scrap of soapstone. nicknaylo

swage.jpgConvex and concave scrap192 viewsheld in the post vise. good for rounding stuff, Used as a swage block to make the nail header. nicknaylo

_20160822_055141.JPGRoaring Camp Nail Stump26 viewsnicknaylo