Blacksmithing |
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Horseheads.jpgBottle openers21 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN3252.JPGBottle Opener, half inch stock 49 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN3474.JPGBottle opener from a RR spike. 81 viewsa lot of people make crappy, heavy knives from railroad spikes. I've tried and failed to do even that much. But bottle openers I seem to be able to do! nicknaylo

image0025.jpgbolt holding tongs35 viewsfixed up a pair of tongs that snapped at the jaw, to hold lag bolts for forging. nicknaylo

DSCN3181.JPGBlacksmiths toolbox64 viewskind of like a shallow ammo crate. clenched nails all throughout,hammers and tongs all fit, though the tongs hang on the anvil rack. punches and chisels on the lid. About 75 lbs when full. nicknaylo

Billshinge.jpgBill's Gate hinge30 viewsthe second one, after we broke the leaf off the end as we were finishing up. nicknaylo

image0086.jpgBest old tool find of the year! 44 viewsfrom Craigslist, 150 lb cast iron forge table with firepot, "Tiger" 990 blower with stand, 50 lb. Columbian leg vise........$50nicknaylo

DSCN2245.jpgAxe from RR spike and nails,190 viewsslitted and drifted an eye in the an HC RR spike, then flattened the head and pointed the chisel end. More of a boarding axe than a wood cutting tool. Handful of crude attempts, not easy making nails, not yet anyway. nicknaylo

DSCN4297.jpgAnvil Stump crack stapled together42 viewsrough work, forged some staples to hold the stump check at bay. nicknaylo

DSCN3611.JPGAnvil cutting saddle from plate. 42 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2749.jpgAn Afternoon's puttering at the forge..71 viewsAn attempt at a new split handle on a toasting fork, a small triangle for the GIT and an overhand knot with a rolled scroll in quarter inch steel rod. nicknaylo

DSCN4409.JPGAfternoons forging37 viewscouple of ugly nails, decent but heavy bottle opener, 3/4 done dragonfly and messed up corkscrewnicknaylo