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GlazingRebate.jpgGlazing Rebate25 viewsMoving fillister used for the grazing rebate on the back of the frame.dlarue

Burnishing.jpgBurnishing30 viewsBurnishing the finished molding with a handful of shavings.dlarue

BeadOnOutside.jpgBeading19 viewsI put a bead around the outer edge of the frame. This plane is unboxed and unsigned, but appears factory made, including a stamp on the heel that says "1/2"dlarue

WheelerPlane.jpgWheeler plane27 viewsWheeler molding plane. I think someone looked this up for me once and said Wheeler worked in the first quarter of the nineteenth C. The plane works well for something nearly 200 years old.dlarue

RoughInRebate.jpgRoughing in the profile25 viewsStanley rebate plane used to rough in the molding profile. This knocks out a large part of the waste very quickly, and is a lot easier to sharpen than the molding plane.dlarue

RoughInProfile.jpgRoughing in the profile 223 viewsBlock plane to knock off a bit more waste before starting in with the molding plane.dlarue

SugarBowl.jpgGalootaclaus Reloaded23 viewsNew knob on the sugar bowl lid, made from some walnut I got from a previous year's Galootaclaus Gift.dlarue

TGOC_Feb_1_2014.jpgTGOC Feb 201421 viewsSome stuff I acquired at the Tool Group Of Canada meeting.dlarue

door_number_1.jpgDoor Number 118 viewsdry fit frame for door number 1
Please don't look too close...dlarue

maple_plane_blank.jpgmaple plane blank20 viewsblank for plane body ripped to rough size.dlarue

door_frames.jpgdoor frames19 viewsdry fit of the closet doorsdlarue

throat.jpgpanel raiser throat22 viewswhat a mess.dlarue
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