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chasers.jpgthread chasers - May 201322 viewsSet of 12 tpi thread chasers, plus a 16 tpi insde chaser.
Found at a community yard sale.dlarue

panelraiser2.jpgpanel raiser 217 viewsfirst try pushing my plane shaped object across a piece of wooddlarue

Sept2013_lathe1.jpgPole lathe Sept 201321 viewsturning the column for a small candle stand on a pole lathe.dlarue

oliver.jpgOliver No. 2 Mitre Trimmer28 viewsI owned this for a few years, finally sold it to reclaim 16 square feet of shop space. But I miss it still. dlarue

marples3.jpgtanged handle finished25 viewsturned, finished, and installed.dlarue

Sept2013_lathe2.jpgPole Lathe, Sept 201322 viewscandle stand column turned on pole lathedlarue

tables.jpgcandle stands 27 viewspole lathe project sept 2013dlarue

ButternutFrames.jpgButternut Picture Frames17 viewsA very last-minute Xmas gift for a niece.dlarue

TGOC_NOV_2013.jpgTool Group Of Canada Meeting Nov 2013 21 viewstwo more (like I need or have room for) wooden planesdlarue

Mitering.jpgMitering Frame Parts20 viewsI used a small Simonds saw and a cheap miter box, followed by a knock-off miter trimmer I picked up off the sale table at Lee Valley.dlarue

FrameStock.jpgFinished Picture Frame Stock21 viewsHere are the pieces ready for miteringdlarue

GlazingRebate.jpgGlazing Rebate25 viewsMoving fillister used for the grazing rebate on the back of the frame.dlarue
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