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gage.jpgrepaired gauge24 viewsbusted head, bought cheap, fixed with a bit of glue, haha!dlarue

GGF_Plane.jpgGreat Grand-Dad's Plane27 viewsMy Dad handed me this box, it has a Deluxe Craftsman plane in it.
He said he got it from his grandfather, who worked in the hardware Dept at Sears.
Cool eh?dlarue

table_frame.jpgwalnut table 25 viewsmade from found wooddlarue

walnut_tile_table.jpgtile-topped walnut table28 viewsxmas gift for SWMBO, only a year late.dlarue

mandrel.jpgmandrel19 viewsbowl turning mandrel for pole lathedlarue

Hatchets.jpgcarving hatchets20 viewsThese are my carving hatchets.
Little one is a James Smart Brockville product.
Larger one has a makers mark that I don't recognize.dlarue

IMG_20151004_162307.jpgOct 2015 TOTT32 viewslots of stuff this weekenddlarue

IMG_20150826_214807.jpgfinished 23 viewsBLO, old bit of saw blade, and it works fine.dlarue

IMG_20150825_184439.jpgblock23 viewsmouth block cut from a bronze bar with a hacksawdlarue

IMG_20150825_191042.jpgroughing out the escapement20 viewsusing a selection of files to make the escapement.
start with a coarse round file, then a milled-tooth file, then a bastard, a mill file, and finally a second cut.dlarue

IMG_20150825_213448.jpgmated parts21 viewsstock mortised to accept the mouth blockdlarue

IMG_20150825_215453.jpgdrilling the block20 viewsdrilling the mounting holes in the mouth blockdlarue
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