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ButternutFrames.jpgButternut Picture Frames17 viewsA very last-minute Xmas gift for a niece.dlarue

candlebox.jpgcandle box April 201321 viewsmade from maple, finished with orange shellac
The wood is from a tree that grew in front of Walton United Church. The tree was killed by a lightning strike a few years ago, and I acquired some wood when the tree was taken down. Counted 130 rings on the stump.dlarue

tables.jpgcandle stands 27 viewspole lathe project sept 2013dlarue

candlestick.JPGcandlestick92 viewsDave Fleming made this on his pole lathe in only a few minutes using a screw chuck. dlarue

100_5212.JPGcanoe paddle178 viewsOur Scout group bought a batch of these rather bland looking paddles. I had recently made a somewhat dismal first attempt at a shaded oval fan, which was too hideous for furniture, but perfect for a paddle...dlarue

100_3173.JPGcarved birch bowl37 viewsMy first carved bowl, made from paper birch.
Bench gouge, hatchet, carving chisel, drawknife, spokeshave, and scraper.dlarue

Hatchets.jpgcarving hatchets20 viewsThese are my carving hatchets.
Little one is a James Smart Brockville product.
Larger one has a makers mark that I don't recognize.dlarue

100_6018.JPGcedar driftwood100 viewssome driftwood found at the beach. It's very aromatic.dlarue

CelticCross.jpgCeltic Cross116 viewsXmas 2006 gift for my SIL. It's curly butternut, finished with shellac.dlarue

CrossDetail.jpgCeltic Cross detail98 viewsI made this cross for my SIL for Xmas 2006. My carving skills were so poor, that I had to make a texturing tool to hide the hideous mess I made of the background.dlarue

100_5104.JPGCentre bits22 viewsclose shot of 1 inch and 7/8 centre bitsdlarue

100_5105.JPGCentre bits17 viewsthe other side of the bitsdlarue
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