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100_4849.JPGTool Group meeting Apr 201319 viewsStuff I brought home from the Tool Group of Canada meeting. 2 SJ Addis chisels, one no-name chisel, a coupld of small stones, a riggers knife, and two leather prickers.dlarue

walnut_tile_table.jpgtile-topped walnut table28 viewsxmas gift for SWMBO, only a year late.dlarue

tile_table_done.jpgtile topped table25 viewstile topped table for xmas 2014
poplar legs, red oak aprons, sassafras edgesdlarue

100_3468.JPGthreads45 viewshey, that thread box actually works!dlarue

100_7352.JPGthreading gizmo64 viewsPer WWS episode 2406, more or less. I should have watched the show again, or at least took notes the other night. Oh well, it works anyways.dlarue

100_7350.JPGthread cutter45 viewsThe business end. The cutter is some unhardened O-1. Needs to be bigger.dlarue

chasers.jpgthread chasers - May 201322 viewsSet of 12 tpi thread chasers, plus a 16 tpi insde chaser.
Found at a community yard sale.dlarue

100_3397.JPGthread box cutter33 viewsHenry Boker 1 1/2 thread box cutter.
The silly thing appears to have been NAILED in place.dlarue

TGOC_Feb_1_2014.jpgTGOC Feb 201421 viewsSome stuff I acquired at the Tool Group Of Canada meeting.dlarue

marples1.jpgtanged handle marking20 viewsmarking the off side for a tanged handle to be turned on the lathe.dlarue

marples3.jpgtanged handle finished25 viewsturned, finished, and installed.dlarue

marples2.jpgtanged handle centre24 viewsthere is the centre for my turning!dlarue
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