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140LBS-TrentonAnvil2-07.JPG140 LBS Trenton Anvil w/ hammer124 viewsI couldn't get enough light to pull up the writing on the side but here're the anvil and hammer to go with the tongsdaveldr

140LBS_TrentonAnvil-OffsetTongs-07.JPG140LBS Trenton Anvil w/ Offset Tongs107 viewsThis is the anvil Gary brought. If you look closely, you'll see that he has wood block that fit the sides of the legs of the anvil attached to the stump. This works VERY well, so does the OFFSET tongs on topdaveldr

AdriaX3-07.JPG3 Adria backsaws104 viewsdaveldr

BillGhio-GaryCaron-ExamineHoldfast01-07.JPGBill Ghio & Gary Caron Examine Holdfast103 viewsAfter bending the rod on the jig, we examined it to make sure that the curve and angles were right, further adjustments were made on the anvildaveldr

BillGhio-SettingCurve-07.JPGBruce Love Registering Holdfast Pad120 viewsThe 1st thing Gary had us do was set a registration mark so that the work on the pad of the holdfast would always start out in the same placedaveldr

BillGhio-SettingCurve-07~0.JPGBillGhio-SettingCurve211 viewsAfter we got the pad formed the way we liked it and the registration mark removed, we bent the rod on a jig to form the curve of the holdfastdaveldr

BillGhio-TomPrice-CharlieDriggs-SteveReynolds-07.JPGBill Ghio, Tom Price, Charlie Driggs, Steve Reynolds132 viewsThe other side of the ring around the totedaveldr

BruceLove-RegisterringPad-07.JPGBruce Love Registering Holdfast Pad120 viewsThe 1st thing Gary had us do was set a registration mark so that the work on the pad of the holdfast would always start out in the same placedaveldr

BruceLove-RegisterringPad-07~0.JPGBruce Love Registering Pad106 viewsThe 1st thing that Gary had us do was to set a registration mark so that all work on the pad would start in the same placedaveldr

CharlieDriggs-RegisteringMark2-07.JPGCharlie Driggs Registering Mark104 viewsHere's Charlie registering his mark with authoritydaveldr

CharlieDriggsFinishingCurve-07.JPGCharlie Driggs Finishing Curve95 viewsAfter setting the curve in the jig, we finished up the orientation of the curve and the placement of the paddaveldr

DaveAdams-DaveLucier-BrettonWade-GaryCaron55-07.JPGDave Adams, Dave Lucier, Bretton Wade, Gary Caron, Stanley55115 viewsDave Lucier brought out a 55 and set up a beading blade for people to try outdaveldr