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WitherbyFirmersInBox03-07.JPGWitherby Firmers In Original Box w/ decals192 viewsI couldn't get a better pic, hopefully someone else did. This is SWEETdaveldr

trammel_pts-07~0.JPGtrammel pts113 viewsProlly a leather working tool %-)daveldr

SteveReynolds-BrettonWade-GaryCaron-DaveAdams-07.JPGSteve Reynolds, Bretton Wade, Gary Caron, Dave Adams112 viewsMugshots of some of the suspects - sitting around just shooting the bulldaveldr

spokeshaves-07.JPGspokeshave roll122 viewsWe all have our rolls of chisels...who woulda thiunk itdaveldr

saw-suitcase-07.JPGsaw-suitcase138 viewsWhen travelling, a man never wants to be w/o his sawsdaveldr

ring-around-the-tote-07.JPGring-around-the-tote169 viewsCharlie brought out a tote. This is a two mena and a boy tote. Everybody gathered around in wonder and awe.daveldr

Preston_quirk_router02-07.JPGPreston quirk router123 viewsA very neat tool with 3 original blades in great cnditiondaveldr

PostVice-stand-07.JPGPost Vice stand133 viewsNot having an easy way to fix the post vice to a bench when he moves it around, Gary came up with this slick platform. It's amazingly stable.daveldr

nice_saw_handle_carving-07.JPGnice saw handle carving135 viewsNot your everyday wheat carvingdaveldr

MixedChisels-UserBox02-07.JPGMixed Chisel set ina User-made Box146 viewsThe picture doesn't show just how shiny Bretton's set was or how nice the box is. Talk about counting nose hairs...daveldr

MixedChisels-UserBox01-07.JPGMixed Chisel set in a User-made Box159 viewsThis is a complete set but the chisels don't match each other exactly. Of course you'd have to study them to realize it. Way to go Brettondaveldr

MiniRouter-07.JPGMini Router139 viewsAs I remember this one came from our friend in England. No, not Jeff.daveldr