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IMG_20150825_220228.jpgdrilling through19 viewsdrill through the stock following the holes in the mouth blockdlarue

IMG_20150825_222545.jpginset nuts19 viewsinsetting the nuts on the back of the stockdlarue

IMG_20150825_222905.jpgscraper works19 viewsthe scraper works, time to make the handles comfydlarue

crosby_flea_2015.jpgcrosby flea 201518 viewssome junk I picked up the way to the flea marketdlarue

Inkle1.jpgInkle Loom Base20 viewsThe base is held on with a machine screw that is run into a threaded insert
dado helps hold the lap joints togetherdlarue

Inkle2.jpgInkle Loom18 viewsi had enough dowel to make two spare rodsdlarue

Inkle3.jpgInkle Loom for SWMBO20 viewsInkle Loom
made of butternut, as yet unfinisheddlarue

sawsets.jpgSawset collection61 viewsHow did this happen?!

memorial_awl_1.jpgawl 124 viewsinspired by Jim Thompsondlarue

memorial_awl_2.jpgawl 218 viewsAn awl inspired by the Late Great Old Millratdlarue

spoons.jpgsome spoons25 viewsspoons, mostly basswood, some maple, some birchdlarue

TOTT_Mar_2015_1.jpgHaul from Mar 2015 Tools Of The Trade sale27 views3 spools of linen thread, an oval turning skew, a couple of cold chisels, a paor of spokeshaves (Stanley #63 & 64), a boxwood handled Marples sash morticing chisel, a pair of odd flat-nosed piers, a 1mm carving gouge, a very large sawtooth Forstner bit, a center finder, a small sharpening stone, a bottle of Yankee fluted drill points, and a couple of levels.dlarue
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