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100_2819.JPGHammer Time63 viewsBashing out a holdfast on one of those rare Indian Summer days.dlarue

100_2827.JPGstrikers58 viewsA couple of steel strikers and a piece of flint.
The Galoot Bic Lighter.dlarue

GC_2009_3.JPGGalootaclaus 200928 views*Wow*
George Bishop adjustable rip/crosscut saw.

GC_2009_2.JPGGalootaclaus 200942 viewsEtch Number 1dlarue

GC_2009_1.JPGGalootaclaus 200937 viewsEtch Number 2dlarue

100_3173.JPGcarved birch bowl37 viewsMy first carved bowl, made from paper birch.
Bench gouge, hatchet, carving chisel, drawknife, spokeshave, and scraper.dlarue

100_3272.JPGTOTT Loot March 201038 viewsThis is the pile of stuff I picked up at the Tools of the Trade sale in Pickering (March 28 2010)dlarue

100_3266.JPGRivets28 viewsAt the Tool Group of Canada meeting I picked up a box of assorted rivets and a Boy Scouts Canada hatchet head.dlarue

MirrorStained.JPGMirror Frame Stained31 viewsThis is the oak after being dyed, shellacked and then hit with some gel stain (as a glaze).dlarue

MirrorFinished.JPGFinished Mirror27 viewsIt won't stay in our hall for long. It's off to the charity auction tomorrow.dlarue

MirrorDyed.JPGDyed Mirror Frame23 viewsA coat of aniline dye (some kinda brown Kathy had leftover from a previous project) folowed by a coat of orange shellac.dlarue

100_3231.JPGMirror curvy bits27 viewsCutting and cleaning up the fancy bits on the ends of the frame parts.dlarue
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