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100_7358.JPGdamascus knife35 viewsThe finished knife with rosewood scales and brass pins.dlarue

dam_marking_knife.JPGDamascus Marking Knife36 viewsscrap of damascus steel (ebay)
tine from a shed antler
mix with some time, epoxy, drill, files, and sharpening gear, et voila!

100_2347.JPGDavid's first dovetails38 viewsThese are my son's first dovetails. July 2009. I've seen worse. Heck, I've done worse.dlarue

100_2718.JPGdie stock bit stock47 viewsTakes a standard 1 inch die. I find it helps keep you in line with the work using the brace.dlarue

IMG_20170402_101624.jpgdont buy that30 viewsa stanley 45 plow plane for a good price, despite the missing knob and only the one cutter.
I resisted the urge to buy it as I already have a couple of these. dlarue

door_frames.jpgdoor frames19 viewsdry fit of the closet doorsdlarue

door_number_1.jpgDoor Number 118 viewsdry fit frame for door number 1
Please don't look too close...dlarue

double_rusty.jpgdouble bit axe head I picked up at auction22 viewsThe handle was falling out of the head (or was it the other way around?) Toss the old handle, and make a new one!dlarue

double_shiny.jpgdouble bit axe head with most of the rust removed.20 viewsready to put on the end of a stick.dlarue

100_0852.JPGdovetail detail55 viewsdlarue

angle_iron_clamp.jpgdovetail layout jig35 viewsfor tiny little drawers like these, a piece of angle iron and a couple of spring clamps work great.dlarue

pd_dovetails.JPGdovetails26 viewsthe finished joint, HEY it WORKS!dlarue
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