My Workbench |
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IMG_1061.JPGVise problem 2358 viewsThe backing slabs could move up to 1/8 inch under offset clamping force because the 3/8 inch bolts run through 1/2 inch holes. No way can 3/8 inch bolts resist the clamping force of 1 1/2 inch acme thread steel vise screws! I decided to fix this problem by boring holes for tight-fitting dowels which will prevent any movement. Here I am boring the 3/4 inch holes from underneath the top for the pegs. The holes pass through the slabs which back the face vise and well up into the benchtop itself. 3/4 inch maple dowels will be driven through these holes and up into the benchtop.TRexF16

IMG_1027.JPGVise problem 1281 viewsThis shot taken while fitting the screws to the face vise shows the basic configuration of the face vise itself and the two backing slabs which are bolted top to bottom through the benchtop. Each backing slab has two 3/8 inch bolts running through them. Nevertheless, I still found that if I clamped a board in the face vise, and it only bore against the top and the face vise, or the leg and the face vise, but not the backing slabs, I could easily put enough force on it to pull the slabs out of alignment.TRexF16

IMG_1051.JPGTop flattening 2243 viewsThis job was made more difficult by lack of a really fine straight-edge. I have a three foot aluminum "garden variety" staight edge, which helps a bit, but so wish for a real, no kidding high precision four foot (or more) Starrett or one of equal quality. Santa, if you're listening...TRexF16

IMG_1045.JPGTop Flattening 1295 viewsGetting started flattening the top with the big old Stanley #8. The fine Hock iron in this plane really cuts well. I tried to line up the edge grain of each piece in the top laminate, but missed the mark in a few places. If I ever make another bench top I will: a) use thicker stock so glue-up takes less time and b) make darn sure ALL the grain runs the same way. I got a bunch of four quarter maple for 70 cents a board foot, which is why that's what this top is made of.TRexF16

IMG_0991.JPGLower Leg Joint Detail 2213 viewsHere's a look from inside the stretchers of the bench bolts tightened up. Also visible is the strip which forms the ledge for the tool storage shelf which will span between the stretchers.TRexF16

IMG_1056.JPGTool shelf 1257 viewsNothing spectacular here, just a plain piece of 3/4 inch birch ply, but it was a nice peek into the work holding potential of this design. Here, and in the next pic, I'm just notching the corners for the space where the legs intrude into the otherwise rectangular space inside the stretchers.TRexF16

IMG_1057.JPGTool Shelf 2239 viewsReady to cut the vertical part of the notches. There's not many panels you couldn't dovetail in this vise!TRexF16

IMG_1085.JPGw: Bench in the House 1452 viewsUntil the shop is finished the bench will live in the house. It's in the work-in-progress den where it will actually serve a fine purpose helping me build the full wall built in cabinets and bookshelves we're planning for that room.TRexF16

IMG_1083.JPGw: Bench in the House 2348 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1082.JPGw: Bench in the House 3425 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1080.JPGz: Neat bench trick523 viewsWith a 3+ inch thick top most clamp-on accessories won't work. But with the big face vise it's no problem to just clamp a piece of 8/4 stock to the front of the bench and Bob's your have a whole new edge to clamp to. Here I've set up for saw sharpening with the saw vise clamped to the rock-solid base provided by the four foot 8/4 hardwood piece locked in the face vise.TRexF16

IMG_0968a.JPGBuilding the end units335 viewsHere the bench top is glued up and sitting on a scrounged table. You can see I'm able to use the round dog holes to secure one of the legs for mortising for the through tenon. The joints for the first end unit are already cut and it is dry fit. In the foreground is the tops of the two long stretchers. The front long stretcher is set up for a sliding deadman.TRexF16