My Workbench |
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IMG_1057.JPGTool Shelf 2239 viewsReady to cut the vertical part of the notches. There's not many panels you couldn't dovetail in this vise!TRexF16

IMG_1056.JPGTool shelf 1257 viewsNothing spectacular here, just a plain piece of 3/4 inch birch ply, but it was a nice peek into the work holding potential of this design. Here, and in the next pic, I'm just notching the corners for the space where the legs intrude into the otherwise rectangular space inside the stretchers.TRexF16

IMG_0991.JPGLower Leg Joint Detail 2213 viewsHere's a look from inside the stretchers of the bench bolts tightened up. Also visible is the strip which forms the ledge for the tool storage shelf which will span between the stretchers.TRexF16

IMG_0985.JPGLower leg Joint detail317 viewsThe bottom short stretchers on the end units are joined into a solid structure with double drawbore pins and double wedged through-tenons. The two long stretchers are bolted with a homemade and slightly beefier version of the Veritas Bench Bolts.TRexF16

IMG_1025.JPGEnd Vise Close up208 viewsHere's a pic of the old Columbian quick action vise that serves as the end vise.TRexF16

IMG_1026.JPGEnd Vise221 viewsHere's the quick action end vise in the closed (but not tightened) position. The chop is built to touch at the top first when it's closed so that when it is tightened up under full tension the opposing faces of the end cap and the vise chop are parallel and hold best. At this stage I'm flushing up the end grain of the end cap, the front of the bench and end of the vise chop all coplanar. The glass with the brush in it holds denatured alcohol. Brushing this on end grain greatly eases planing.TRexF16

IMG_0998.JPGDetail of face vise round-over371 viewsFor the face vise round-over detail, I layed out the radius, nibbled away on the waste side with my table saw, and then used a shoulder plane and block plane to smooth it down to the curved line. Even though there are no vises yet on the bench, I can still use my holdfast through the dog holes of the assembled top/base to hold the work rock-solid. This is the first work I've ever done on a totally rigid bench and it's great!TRexF16

IMG_1054.JPGDeadman 3: Finished236 viewsHere is the finished deadman amid all the shavings from flattening the topTRexF16

IMG_1033.JPGDeadman 2: 214 viewsDeadman installed but no linseed oil on it yet. The top hole is at the correct level that the top of a 3/4 inch dog in the deadman is dead even with the top of the vise screws on the face vise. So if I clamp a long narrow board I'll get even support from the deadman and clamping from the face vise and a holdfast in the right leg.TRexF16

IMG_1031.JPGDeadman 1: Layout258 views[Galoot In Training] Taylor and I lay out the curve for the waist of the deadman with an old set of Stanley #4 Trammel points. TRexF16

IMG_1043.JPGChip Repair 5197 viewsFinished repair. It turned out I didn't get as good a grain and color match as I'd hoped but it still looks a lot better than before.TRexF16

IMG_1042.JPGChip Repair 4201 viewsTHe replacement piece held for gluing with a holdfast.TRexF16