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IMG_0949.JPGSink Countertop117 viewsAfter stripping the sellac and stain from the first disaster, here is the counter top the morning after reapplication of one treatment of Minwax #230 Early AmericanTRexF16

IMG_0976.JPGTop unfinished53 viewsThis is a pic I snapped before it was finished. Several coats of Waterlox over the stain but not rubbed out yet.TRexF16

IMG_0974.JPGPreliminary pic 168 viewsSWMBO and I laid the top on the base the day I assembled the base. No drawers or doors yet, just couldn't wait until it was done to get a peek.TRexF16

IMG_0970.JPGShow side panels67 viewsThis is the exposed end side. These raised panels are knotty alder, but darker than usual. I'm trying to use alder of the same hue for the drawer fronts, but have not yet cut them. I hope they match.TRexF16

IMG_0968.JPGPreliminary pic 284 viewsTop sitting on the base, unfinishedTRexF16

IMG_0982.JPGFace Frame Front109 viewsPretty nice QSWO figure for a pallet runner!TRexF16

IMG_0981.JPGFace Frame back101 viewsThis was a pallet runner. You can see the old nail holes where I ripped right through the empty holes. Nice tanin reaction of the oak. I think there was a jet engine or other big compenent shipped to my Air National Guard unit on the original pallet. Check out the front view to see how dramatic it looks when carefully cut to show the rays.TRexF16

IMG_0978.JPGLeft inside frame view82 viewsYou can see how massive the frame is here, before putting on the "filler" sheets to which the drawer slides will mount.TRexF16

IMG_0975.JPGLeft side frame preview99 viewsWild QSWO ray patterns here. This was a tar-soaked timber used to space heavy sewer pipes apart in shipping. I liberated this one after it had served its purpose in a big infrastructure project on the Guard Base.TRexF16

IMG_0996~0.JPGSink installed65 viewsThis is an old but sound cast iron enamled sink my contractor gave me. It was lying around gathering grime at his place, but cleaned up very nicely. I wanted a one-hand operation plus a spray nozzle, and settled on this unit from the Borg. I would have loved something older styled but passed on investing the coin in the fancier stuff.TRexF16

IMG_0989.JPGFinished Base74 viewsThe graduated drawers are fit on 100# full extension slides, and the area under the sink is painted. Ready to install the top and sink, and then make the drawer fronts.TRexF16

IMG_0992~0.JPGView minus doors and drawers92 viewsOriginal plan was to be symetrical and centered on the window, but the reclaimed timbers I used were long enough to add a foot to the left and add a nice old vise so it is a true Galoot sink.TRexF16