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Finished_3.jpg79 viewsEverything all done, finallyTRexF16

Finished_2.jpg64 viewsFor some reason the bookmatched knot cracks in the alder panels don't look like they're filled here, but they are - smooth as silk with shellac followed by Waterlox followed by wax.TRexF16

breadboard_Right.jpgBreadboard tenon, right side141 viewsThe top with tenons cut, and the breadboard itself in position for marking out the breadboard mortises.TRexF16

Breadboard_Left.jpgBreadboard, left side170 viewsSame story as the right sideTRexF16

IMG_1032.JPGDoors 192 viewsA look at the rails, stiles, and panels laid up like they'll be when complete.TRexF16

IMG_1031~0.JPGDoors 290 viewsA close look at the bookmatched center rails. These should look very nice when stained and finished. I ripped them out of a beam that was used for stacking highway waterline. Unlike the other salvaged oak in the project, this piece was still kind of green and will need to season a few months beofre I finish the doors.TRexF16

IMG_1030.JPGDoors 395 viewsThe rails and stiles laid out as they'll be joined. I'm trying to keep all the ray flecks "flowing" inward and upward for symetery.TRexF16

IMG_1041~0.JPGDrawers and end panels115 viewsJust a detail look at the fit of the drawres and raised panels on the ends. Can also see the offset drawbore pegs that retain both stretchers.TRexF16

IMG_1022.JPGDrawers Front of left bank104 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1037.JPGDrawers, close look at handles and fit112 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1028~0.JPGDrawers, far look174 viewsTRexF16