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IMG_1030.JPGDoors 395 viewsThe rails and stiles laid out as they'll be joined. I'm trying to keep all the ray flecks "flowing" inward and upward for symetery.TRexF16

IMG_1031~0.JPGDoors 290 viewsA close look at the bookmatched center rails. These should look very nice when stained and finished. I ripped them out of a beam that was used for stacking highway waterline. Unlike the other salvaged oak in the project, this piece was still kind of green and will need to season a few months beofre I finish the doors.TRexF16

IMG_1032.JPGDoors 192 viewsA look at the rails, stiles, and panels laid up like they'll be when complete.TRexF16

IMG_1037.JPGDrawers, close look at handles and fit112 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1022.JPGDrawers Front of left bank104 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1020.JPGDrawers, look at the whole left side112 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1024.JPGDrawers, front of right bank92 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1028~0.JPGDrawers, far look174 viewsTRexF16

IMG_0993.JPGThe face vise95 viewsSweet old Columbian I scored at the swap meet for $20, with the original handle. It cleaned up nicely. The chop is cut from a piece of live oak I took from my parents' firewood pile. It was from a huge branch split off one of their trees when Hurricane Hugo blew through North Carolina back in '89. It's perfectly "quarter split" and I've been saving it for something nice. You can see the border of the heartwood and sapwood.TRexF16

IMG_0972~0.JPGNon-show side76 viewsAnother look at the beautiful old oak in the legs, and the alder raised panels on the hidden side.TRexF16

IMG_0992~0.JPGView minus doors and drawers92 viewsOriginal plan was to be symetrical and centered on the window, but the reclaimed timbers I used were long enough to add a foot to the left and add a nice old vise so it is a true Galoot sink.TRexF16

IMG_0989.JPGFinished Base74 viewsThe graduated drawers are fit on 100# full extension slides, and the area under the sink is painted. Ready to install the top and sink, and then make the drawer fronts.TRexF16