Old Tools |
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mahog_plane_2.jpgBottom Corner196 views This view shows the business end of the tool with the cutter being ground square to the back and bottom. writt

TSchaplin2.jpgChaplin's Patent overall156 views This view gives a good look at the workings of this plane. The knob is original and it appears to be rosewood. writt

TSchaplin1.jpgChaplin's Patent side view183 views The sides and shoulders on this plane are very good looking. writt

TSchaplin3.jpgChaplin's Patent sole162 views I think these corrugations are cast into the sole. writt

60-4.jpgChisel Handle235 views This is a closeup of the cocobolo handle. writt

cocosets2.jpgCocobolo Wood Sets155 viewsThis pic is of the first sets of Stanley wood out of cocobolo. They have been polished to P600, a light coat of "Tony's Goop" applied and several coats of wax. writt

English_Back_Saw_2_sm_pic.jpgCrownshaw Chapman & Co #2242 viewsThis is the back of the saw as found. writt

EngSaw1.jpgCrownshaw Chapman & Co #3321 viewsThis is the front of the saw after cleaning. writt

English_Back_Saw_1_sm_pic.jpgCrownshaw Chapman & Co. #1329 viewsThis is the front of the saw as found. writt

EngSaw2.jpgCrownshaw Chapman & Co. #4324 viewsThis is the back of the saw after cleaning. writt

mahog_plane_1.jpgFront View261 viewsThis view shows the front. You can see the cutter held to the frog with a thumb screw turning in a brass casting. writt

handscrew_vise1.jpghandscrew vise285 views This pic shows the vise in my bench'e front vise. writt