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Knob___Tote_3.jpgWalnut Knob & Tote Mounted220 views This pic shows the walnut knob & tote mounted on my #4 type 9 user. writt

Knob___Tote_1.jpgWalnut Knob & Tote for Stanley334 views This pic shows the set of wood that I made for the Stanley #4 plane. They are made from locally grown air dried walnut. They are hand shaped and finished with home boiled linseed oil, shellac & wiping poly. writt

Knob___Tote_2.jpgWalnut Knob166 views This pic shows the fine bead turned at the bottom of the knob. This is a bit too subtle. The next bead will be a bit bolder. writt

handscrew_vise2.jpgvise jaw150 views This pic shows the moveable jaw. writt

60-1.jpgStanley #60 with New Handle401 views Stanley #60 with new cocobolo handle, sharpened and ready for paring. writt

TSrodier3.jpgRodier's Patent sole204 views Those wavy corrugations are cast into the sole. writt

TSrodier1.jpgRodier's Patent side view277 views This shows the corrugations on the sides that were also cast in. writt

TSrodier2.jpgRodier's Patent overview206 views This view gives some clue as to the workings of this plane. writt

Record_Handles.jpgRecord Plane248 views New cherry knob & tote on a Record #4. writt

plough2.jpgPlough RT Side125 views Screw Arm Plough Right Side writt

plough3.jpgPlough Mark104 viewsMakers mark for screw arm plough plane writt

plough1.jpgPlough Left Side156 viewsScrew Arm Plough Plane Left Side writt