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Feb_Shaves.JPGtwo new shaves, Feb 5 201124 viewsPicked up a couple of nice little spokeshaves at the Feb 5 Tool Group Of Canada meeting.dlarue

Weakness.JPGI am so weak.46 viewsToo bad these things are so cheap, so plentiful ,and so darn useful. dlarue

Moms_Box.JPGA curly maple box I made for my mother35 viewsMy mom ordered a box from me. Well, she asked for two, one for her, one for my dad, but he won't even talk about it. dlarue

holdfast.JPGHoldfast April 201147 viewsTaking my cue from Michael S. I was frightening the new neighbours today.dlarue

pd_saw.JPGPocket Dovetailer Saw33 viewsHere's the saw of my Vintage Pocket Dovetailerdlarue

pd_pins.JPGscribing the pins37 viewsUsing the scribe from the Classic Pocket Dovetailer to mark out the pinsdlarue

pd_layout.JPGscribe from Pocket Dovetailer28 viewsscribing the base lines for through dovetails using a vintage Pocket Dovetailer, not one of those Johhny-come-lately knockoffs from a certain notable handtool maker/retailer.dlarue

pd_gouge.JPGNot just dovetails!29 viewsHey, LV's version of the Pocket Dovetailer doesn't have one of these! Now I can make a spoon to eat my oatmeal with...dlarue

pd_dovetails.JPGdovetails26 viewsthe finished joint, HEY it WORKS!dlarue

pd_chisel.JPGtails first24 viewschiseling out the waste with the REAL pocket dovetailerdlarue

100_4071.JPGSpear & Jackson DT saw24 viewsNice little 10 inch S&J saw that I picked up at the Crosby Flea Market on July 9 2011. Couple of chips off the horns, in need of straightening and sharpening. Wish I had this a couple days earlier when I needed it...dlarue

100_4076.JPGBoid Feedah23 viewsTotal hack job.dlarue
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