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Bead2.JPGbead 227 viewscutting second beaddlarue

Astragal.JPGastragal27 viewsrounding off the hump in the middle with a hollow. I think this bit is now an astragal. I could be wrong. Often am, in fact.dlarue

Mitre.JPGmitre45 viewstrimming the mitres with a (what else) mitre trimmer.dlarue

Gouge.JPGgouge33 viewscutting the pattern with a half inch gougedlarue

Detail.JPGframe detail38 viewsclose up of finished (with shellac, or course) picture framedlarue

Frame.JPGframe36 viewsFinished frame. Hey, I should print THESE pictures and put them in the frame!dlarue

100_7385.JPGdutch oven gear29 viewstwo aluminum plates, oven, lid lifter, tongs, trivet, scrub brush, and instruction sheet. Still have room for enough charcoal to fire it up.dlarue

100_7384.JPGdutch oven box open36 viewsdlarue

100_7383.JPGdutch oven box34 views6 feet of 1X12 white pine, planed down, chopped up, and dovetailed together.dlarue

Weakness.JPGI am so weak.46 viewsToo bad these things are so cheap, so plentiful ,and so darn useful. dlarue

pd_saw.JPGPocket Dovetailer Saw33 viewsHere's the saw of my Vintage Pocket Dovetailerdlarue

pd_pins.JPGscribing the pins37 viewsUsing the scribe from the Classic Pocket Dovetailer to mark out the pinsdlarue
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