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CelticCross.jpgCeltic Cross116 viewsXmas 2006 gift for my SIL. It's curly butternut, finished with shellac.dlarue

chasers.jpgthread chasers - May 201322 viewsSet of 12 tpi thread chasers, plus a 16 tpi insde chaser.
Found at a community yard sale.dlarue

cherryjointer.jpgcherry jointer44 views30 inch jointer made with junker Stanley hardware plus a threaded insert. Dead Easy.dlarue

cherryspoon.jpgcherry spoon 22 viewsroughed out with a drawknife, finished with a Mora and a Pinewood Forge hook knife.
Will let it dry a bit before putting the finishing touches on it.dlarue

chizrehab.jpgrehab Adiss chisel29 viewsdlarue

collection_problems.jpgadvertising rule16 viewsnote the text: If you have collection problems we can help you.
perfect for my tool collection.dlarue

cornice.JPGcornice molding41 viewsThis is the cornice or crown molding I made using some hollows and rounds.dlarue

crosby_flea_2015.jpgcrosby flea 201518 viewssome junk I picked up the way to the flea marketdlarue

CrossDetail.jpgCeltic Cross detail98 viewsI made this cross for my SIL for Xmas 2006. My carving skills were so poor, that I had to make a texturing tool to hide the hideous mess I made of the background.dlarue

DadsBox.JPGDad's Box30 viewsMy Mom ordered two boxes, one for her, one for him. This is my Dad's box, made of curly maple, finished with BLO & Lemon Shellac.dlarue

dam_marking_knife.JPGDamascus Marking Knife36 viewsscrap of damascus steel (ebay)
tine from a shed antler
mix with some time, epoxy, drill, files, and sharpening gear, et voila!

Detail.JPGframe detail38 viewsclose up of finished (with shellac, or course) picture framedlarue
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