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molding_cove.JPGmolding first cove55 viewsFirst cove has been cut. The plowed groove serves to guide the round plane. You're supposed to cut fro the far end back, but I find that this does not work for me when using Hollows & Rounds. I run the full length of the stock. Keeps things more even.dlarue

Mitre.JPGmitre45 viewstrimming the mitres with a (what else) mitre trimmer.dlarue

Mitering.jpgMitering Frame Parts20 viewsI used a small Simonds saw and a cheap miter box, followed by a knock-off miter trimmer I picked up off the sale table at Lee Valley.dlarue

MirrorStained.JPGMirror Frame Stained31 viewsThis is the oak after being dyed, shellacked and then hit with some gel stain (as a glaze).dlarue

MirrorFinished.JPGFinished Mirror27 viewsIt won't stay in our hall for long. It's off to the charity auction tomorrow.dlarue

MirrorDyed.JPGDyed Mirror Frame23 viewsA coat of aniline dye (some kinda brown Kathy had leftover from a previous project) folowed by a coat of orange shellac.dlarue

MFDrill.jpgBuck Rogers Drill42 viewsMillers Falls Buck Rogers style hand drill.dlarue

messybench.jpgmessy bench83 viewshey, most of that is not mine, it's SWMBO'sdlarue

memorial_awl_2.jpgawl 218 viewsAn awl inspired by the Late Great Old Millratdlarue

memorial_awl_1.jpgawl 124 viewsinspired by Jim Thompsondlarue

May5.jpgMay 5 2012 garage sale haul41 viewsLate to the sale (2 pm) but still managed to pick up a few cool things. 13 new Nicholson crew-on file handles, 3 hammer handles, a brass & wood caliper rule, Eskiltuna chisel, old knife, some letter & number stamps, and 10 pounds of used carbide cutters. $20. Not too shabby.dlarue

marples3.jpgtanged handle finished25 viewsturned, finished, and installed.dlarue
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