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practical.jpgpractical woodworker vols 1,3,418 viewsBernard Jones Practical Woodworker
picked these up at the tool group of canada auctiondlarue

IMG_20170225_223915.jpgpower grip42 viewsend grip for rough work, when you want to hog off a lot of wood.dlarue

100_0205.jpgPortable workbench69 viewsdlarue

polelathes.JPGPole Lathes & Shaving Horses124 viewsHere's some of the setup at the gathering. Lots of lathes and lots of fun!dlarue

Sept2013_lathe2.jpgPole Lathe, Sept 201322 viewscandle stand column turned on pole lathedlarue

Sept2013_lathe1.jpgPole lathe Sept 201321 viewsturning the column for a small candle stand on a pole lathe.dlarue

pd_saw.JPGPocket Dovetailer Saw33 viewsHere's the saw of my Vintage Pocket Dovetailerdlarue

TOTT_Mar_2015_3.jpgplane top21 viewstop side of this plane thingy dlarue

TOTT_Mar_2015_4.jpgplane sole17 viewssole of a small plane type thing i picked up at the Mar 2015 TOTTdlarue

weesquare.jpgpexto square39 viewsa yard sale find, 8X12 Pexto framing square.
$2 CAD.

patent_nuts.jpgpatent saw rivets / nuts25 viewsNo slots on either side. These appear to be rivets of some sort.
No patent date or number, just the work "patent".

throat.jpgpanel raiser throat22 viewswhat a mess.dlarue
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